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March 9, 2018 (...even later…)

O.k. now you are wondering why I’m posting 3 entries per day. 

Well the truth is this is my first time blogging and I’m too excited to stop. 

Okay now you've gone and wandered out into the desert. What’s wrong with you? Well I don’t know what’s wrong with you, but I know how to get you out of this situation. First of all you have a choice; you can make a new world or follow my next instructions. If you decided to follow my next instructions then first of all you shouldn't have. 

I’m serious. 

And if you are still following my instructions, you're a dummy. Take my word for it. And if I tell you what to do you’ll end up even more lost. So if you have a noggin - unlike me - you would probably understand why I shouldn't lead you.

So just start a new world.
It’s that simple.


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